
I'm Zoljargal Fallows

London based full stack developer.



Spendful is a full stack React application developed for you to reach your financial goals by tracking every dollar you spend and earn. This app allows you to add all of your incomes and expenses and visualize them through convenient charts and graphs.

Front-end: HTML, CSS, React, Context API, Moment, Graphjs

Back-end: Node, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL, RRule, Luxon

Client | Server

Ripetizione spaziale is a full stack React application developed to improve your learning potential through utilising linked-list data structure with Postgresql. The algorithm updates the memory location to each corresponding word with the user guess. The frequency of words to be displayed are depends on their memory value. To put it simply, the words you get correct show up less frequently since you don’t need as much practice!

Front-end: HTML, CSS, React, Context API

Back-end: Node, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL, Linked-list data structure

Client | Server

Ripetizione spaziale

ThinkForum is a full stack React application for exchanging ideas and views on any particular issues through form of posted messages/discussions.

Front-end: HTML, CSS, React, Context API

Back-end: Node, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL

Client | Server

LFC Quiz App is a simple interactive app, designed for Liverpool FC supporters to test their knowledge on the history of everything at Anfield.

Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery



About me

I believe that curiosity is my number one personality characteristic, which has led me to coding and got me hooked on it. I enjoy taking on challenges that come with every project, and ultimately learn and enhance myself as a developer.

When I am not coding, I love working out at the local gym, releasing my inner monkey at the rock climbing centre or just hanging out with my family and friends.

Contact Information

If you would like to talk more, feel free to reach out to me!

Email: zol.fallows@hotmail.com

Phone: +447860836815

Check out my source code on GitHub

View my LinkedIn
